Sun, 12 May 2024


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In February Mirre came to live with us, a lilac tortie girl of 14 weeks old. She was a curious little girl and afraid of nothing at all. Within 5 minutes my youngest tomcat was like putty in her paws. Several days later a few more followed and within two weeks she was fully settled down in the cat gang.

I had some time off when she came, the ideal time to do chores. One of those chores was to remove the legs of three cupboards and put a wooden frame under them. Sand, fluff, cat hairs and cat toys would no longer pile up in unreachable places. Besides, it would be impossible for (future) kittens to crawl under there.

My mother had offered to help me, so together we emptied the first cupboard, under – from close by – watchful eye of Mirre. Every pile was inspected, every empty shelf examined, every empty drawer explored.

After that we took off the legs, which sounds easy, but really isn't when a kitten is holding her nose over it. The frame, already cut to size and stained in the right colour, we assembled. With the help of an electric drill and ditto screwdriver it's a simple job. Even now Mirre was watching us closely.

I don't know who was more scared. My mother with the drill so close to her fingers or me with Mirre's paws and whiskers so close and moving. Mirre, unaware of anything harmful, is just as curious as can be. The sound of the drill didn't frighten her, she found everything ever so interesting. Needless to say that arranging the cupboard was done under Mirre's guiding too.

I used the vacuum cleaner to get rid of the mess. Every one of my cats hates it when I vacuum. They disappear when they only see me walking with it, only holding the damn thing in my hand and it isn't even working. Not Mirre. She just watched from the couch. We've endured, the three of us. Mother and I laughing at Mirre, and Mirre purring loudly.

In April I'm finally fed up with Djavi gnawing at my teddy bears. The most of them are housed in an open cupboard. It's about time to make some doors with wire mash. So I bought some timbre and had it cut to size. Picked up a roll of wire mash with openings that are so small, that cat paws can't get through. At home I created some space to assemble everything.

Of course Mirre is watching closely again, telling me where to drill holes and how to put the screws in. After finishing the frame, I wanted to put in the mash using a staple gun. First I warned all the cats that they could expect quite a few bangs. Who ever was left in the room, retired to safety. Except Mirre, she just hád to be there.

With a “I warned you”, I rolled out the mash and stapled it to the frame. Without a blush, without batting an eyelid, she stayed near. She even came closer to be able to see everything better. You could almost héar the cogwheels of her brain crunching in an attempt to understand the how, what and why.

Never have I met a more curious little cat that is afraid of no one. Now she is about seven months old and I think things will change soon. In a while my 11 year old Quibus will consider her to be mature and then she won't hold back anymore when she is annoyed. And when Quibus is mad at you, hide! I'm curious to see how Mirre will react than. Probably she won't be impressed too much. She isn't impressed by me either and I'm considerable larger than Quibus.
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