Mon, 13 May 2024


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Saturday, June 1st 2002.
After having done some chores in the house, my human left. Then after a while when she came home, she smelled strange. She appeared to have been with two dogs. Quibus told me she went there quite often and that the mistress of the dogs sometimes came here, but never with the dogs. That was a comfort.
Showed that when I want, I can be quite a good girl. The curtains were closed because of the sun and I was keen to get on the windowsill. Thought to be smart and jump on the aquarium, push my head behind the curtain and then I could jump over a plant to get on the windowsill. Unfortunately for me Quibus lay on the aquarium, so I had to abandon that plan. I could also climb in the curtain, find an opening and then slip through, but then my human would get angry again. So I thought long and hard and found a way to get under the curtain. I put my feet against the window, bending my head under the curtain, push it back with my back and then I can climb on the windowsill. Clever huh?

Hurray, I've really grown, I've really grown, yes I've really grown. I finally managed to get to the top of the cupboard. I've had a good look around. Except that you have a good view and a nice cushion, there's really nothing to it. Don't understand why Yottum likes to come here so much.

Wednesday, June 5th 2002.
Today we had to wait a long time before my human got home, even Yottum didn't understand it. When she finally came home, we took her in our paws for a moment. She had gone shopping in the city and then picked up some groceries too. No wonder that we were very worried whether our kibble would appear in time. Asked very kindly though urgently whether she wanted to conduct this kind of concern or at least to announce it. We too want to know where we stand after all.
In the evening I've taken flying lessons, but hadn't really intended that. After reaching the top of the other cupboards, I thought the TV cabinet would be in reach too. I really sat down for it, prepared myself well, made the perfect jump and before I knew it, I was hanging on the door by my nails. My human could just catch me before I crashed. I hadn't considered that the door would move and when I touched it, it swept it away. There went my perfectly calculated leap. I'll leave the TV cabinet for what it is. I have achieved two out of three and that's good enough for now.
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