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Sunday August 14th 2005.
Woke my human up by throbbing my motor on her ear again. I thought she had been sleeping long enough. Zohra had been trying to wake her up for some time, but without success. When she finally opened her eyes I sat down right in front of her and told her firmly that I thought she had to stay home all day today.
So we could make up for yesterday, when she had been gone the whole day. She said "no problem" and when she got up I understood why. She didn't walk all that well and she stumbled down the stairs. She was stiff with muscle aches. Good, that way she couldn't run of far. She kept her word. The entire day I was able to cuddle with her, whenever I wanted to.

Monday August 15th 2005.
Those new teeth are troublesome, you know! They are quite annoying. Because of that I didn't want breakfast this morning. My human didn't agree with that. So after some persuading from her and avoiding by me, she presented me with some different kibble. They smelled interesting, so ate some of that.
When she came home that night I thought she would make us dinner, as usual. However, she first cleaned up some pee and diarrhea. She thought they were mine, but they weren't. I do my business on the litter tray. Still I didn't get any meat with my kibble. I thought that was mean and didn't eat at all.
Then my human discovered that Robbyn wasn't eating either. Inddeed, he hadn't even come to his bowl. She went looking for him and took his bowl along, but he didn't want anything. He went to lay down on the windowsill.
Later that night Robbyn came to lay down with me on my humans lap. It was a bit crowded. We were on my human with the five of us. Luckily she's tall. Quibus was laying on het lower legs, Zohra on her upper legs, Thia on her shoulder and Rob and I on her stomach.

Thursday August 18th 2005.
Finally the sun is shining again, so we could go outside. It I get too hot I lay down under a shrub or in the shadow. When the sun had passed Robbyn and I held racing matches. Staring in the back of the garden, through the garden, through the kitchen, through the living room, up the stairs, turn around in a wide bent and then down the stairs again, through the living room, the kitchen and back to the garden. My human thought we were a herd of elephants. I think those large animals make quite a lot of more noise then we ever could.

Friday August 19th 2005.
I can't figure out my human. First she is complaining for a week that I'm not eating enough. What is she thinking with these teeth coming through. Now I finally lost my baby teeth and now she is complaining that she would have liked to have kept one of my baby teeth. She can get lost. I can finally eat normally again and my mouth no longer hurts. That's more precious to me!

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