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Sunday August 28th 2005.
Dear mum,
I've been wanting to write to you, but I kept forgetting it. Now My human is grumbling about it, so I started.
I've been living here for some time now with my human and a gang of cats. My brother Robbyn really didn't like it that I came to live here, but now we're the best of friends. We play (rough) and sleep together. With the others I hardly ever play, because they don't want to.
The house I live in is divided into two pieces with a staircase in the middle. It's just like two separated houses. There's also a garden here and I really like it there. I catch flies and grasshoppers and very rarely a butterfly. Those butterflies fly very strange and I find it hard to catch them. I also caught a stinger. He has stung me in my cheek. That hurt for a while, but I wasn't bothered by it. Until half my face had swollen up. Then I went to my human and she comforted me. The next day it was all over.
My human told me that you have moved to another house with your people and the other cats. Do you live in two houses with a stairs in the middle now as well? Do you have a garden too? That's swell, isn't it.
I must say hello to aunt Perdita from Zohra. I didn't even know that one of here children was living here. She rather nice, but she doesn't want to play with me. And only if I lay still, can I curl up to her to go to sleep. Luckily Robbyn isn't that difficult, he agrees to almost everything.
Now I don't know what I can write to you anymore. Will you say hello for me to the other cats? And butt your people for me too, will you? And for the little human.... you should tickle him with your whiskers, he likes that. My whiskers have started to grow now too.
Love from Robbyn and me,

Monday August 29th 2005.
Today my human was gone for a long time again and I really disliked that. Outside the whether looked wonderful and we couldn't even go into the garden. When she came home she gave us some food and when we were done we were allowed in the garden.
She brought home a new doormat. That was about time, the old one flew trough the kitchen if we ran over it. That's how we pulled down the insect screen. My human grumbled very loud about that. She has fixed it again and it's hanging in the door again. We shouldn't be able to pull it down now. The new mat stays where it is, thank goodness.

Tuesday August 30st 2005.
Got roasted last night again because I was washing my human. At some point she pulled me under the blankets. For a moment I sat bewildered. It was dark, but also warm and that was nice. So I crawled against my human and went to sleep.
Somehow I have to make it clear to my human that with my big-boys-teeth I can and want to eat big-boys-kibble. If I insist she will give me some, but for the most part I get those little ones. However much I whine or insist, she still doesn't want to understand.

Wednesday August 31rst 2005.
Today it was very warm and it was already late when the garden cooled down. So we stayed there 'till very late. Only when my human wanted to go to bed, she called us in. She had to carry us is one by one, because we liked it in the garden too much. Besides, when it's dark, there are all kinds of creatures flying by that we can catch safely, because they don't sting. It's not easy plucking them out of the air. Iven if the have landed on something, it's sometimes hard to catch them.

Thursday September 1rst 2005.
This morning I saw the sun coming up and I wanted to share that with my human. I wike her up with my throbbing motor while I washed her. She wasn't all that happy about that. I was very persistent, but she really didn't want to. When she started to grouch, I left.
When it was time for bed we were all in already, because he had gotten wet and cold paws. Suddenly there was a beast flying through the room. By the chuckling I could hear that someone had taken it in on purpose. My human wasn't surprised. Of course she saw it and maybe she heard the chuckling too. She just remained sitting on the couch, as suddenly Thia started to move.
She hunted the beast fanatically and tried to catch it. First it didn't go so well, but then the beast flew towards the cupboard. Thia climbed on top of it fast and there she caught and ate it. I sat watching with my mouth open. The only thing I ever have seen her do fast was hitting someone.

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