Mon, 13 May 2024


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April 25th 2006
Since March Mirre has had antibiotics twice. Now she seems finally free of sneezing and tearing eyes. She eats very well and almost completely without can food. If she and the others get boiled chicken as a treat, she thinks such good food should last for days. So her first meal without chicken is received with lots of comments and it isn't eaten right away either. After some encouragement she will eat, but she'll continue to complain.

April 30th 2006.
Djavi's possibilities to gnaw are restricted now. All stuffed animals upstairs in the cupboard are behind mash doors. The ones that were in other places are now on a frame hanging from the ceiling. Djavi was so happy about all that, that he perforated the blanket on the couch. That too will be held under lock and key from now on.
The pillowcases loose the corners one by one, so they are rounded of or, in the worst case, replaced entirely. As long as I'm near, he knows better. But when I'm working and at night he has free rein.
Mirre is playing me. Every time I think that I haven't heard her sneeze for a few days, she sneezes promptly. It really has become less, but it's not gone completely. So I continue the homeopathic meds.
She goes out in to the garden every day now. She behaves like a little lam sometimes with her cute capers. Together with Robbyn or Djavi she holds racing matches (from the garden through the kitchen, into the living room and back again). At night when she's tired, she crawls in between the red brothers and lets them wash her.

Eating is still not Mirre's hobby. Regularly I need to hold some food in front of her. With exquisite manors she'll eat that and then she'll look at her bowl. Eating dinner is no problem, just as long as it's meat. She likes lams heart the best, minced beef a little less. It's okay now if I mix some regular canned food with her kibble on occasion. All in all she looks nicely firm and round, so there's no cause for concern.
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